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361. Berenstain Jan, Berenstain Stan,
The Berenstains Bears Science Fair
362. Berkowitz Martin,
Haggadah for the American Family
363. Bishko Herbert,
Look at Jerusalem
364. Bloch Joseph,
365. Bloom Daniel Halevi,
Bubbie and Zadie come to my house
366. Bridwell Norman,
Clifford's Good Deeds
368. Caldwell Taylor, Stearn Jess,
I, Judas
369. Campbell Janet,
Sleepytime ABC
371. Chekhov Anton,
Selected works
372. Cohen Barbara,
Here Comes the Purim Players!
373. Cohen Barbara,
The Carp in the Bathtub
374. Collodi Carlo,
375. Corvin Judith Hoffman,
Jewish Holiday Fun
376. Davis Mac,
They all are Jews
377. Diner Hasia R.,
The Jewish People in America
378. Dodge Mary Mapes,
The Silver Skates
380. Dr. Seuss,
The Butter Battle Book