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382. Eastman Philip D.,
Are you My Mother?
383. Eban Abba,
384. Eban Abba,
My People
385. Eban Abba,
My people
386. Eldridge David,
Sea Monsters
387. Elliott Jane, King Colin,
The Usborne Childrens Encyclopedia
388. Erpel Fritz,
390. Fajnland Leibel,
Big small or Just One Wall
392. Feingold Henry L.,
The Jewish People in America
393. Fitz,
Jewish Life
394. Frank Anne,
The diary of a young girl
395. Gold Avner,
The Purple Ring
397. Greenberg Irving,
Guide to Shabbat
398. Groner Judye, Wikler Madeline,
All about Hanukkah
399. Groner Judye, Wikler Madeline,
Miracle Meals
400. Gutelle Andrew, Jones Brian,
Our Solar System