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1461. Spillane Mickey,
Kiss me, Deadley
1463. Steig William,
Abel's Island
1464. Strassfeld Michael,
A Passover Haggadah
1465. Strauss Ruby G.,
Let's Learn the Alef Bet
1466. Teveth Shabtai,
The tanks of Tammuz
1467. Tripp Valerie,
Happy Birthday, Felicity!
1468. Uris Jill, Uris Leon,
Jerusalem. Song os Songs
1469. Uris Leon,
1470. Uris Leon,
In the steps of Exodus
1471. Uris Leon,
Mitla Pass
1472. Walfish Miriam,
The Jewell and the Journey
1473. Wallace Irving,
The Golden Room
1474. West Cindy,
Donald's Attic Adventures
1475. Wiesel Elie,
Legends of Our Time
1476. Wiesel Elie,
1477. Wiesel Elie,
The Jews of Silence
1479. Ze'ev Greenwald,
I honor Shabbos
1480. Ziefert Harriet,
Harry Gets Ready for School